
LIVE AT THE AGORA  is an independent documentary produced by BeyondThe Edge Media. The film is a fiscally sponsored project of the International Documentary Association (IDA), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Independent documentaries rely on donations, grants and sponsorship which allows for editorial and creative license, and distribution rights
and management.



How Will My Donation Support LIVE AT THE AGORA?

After several years of filming and narrowing down hours of footage we filmed nationwide, we are now ready to edit the film and move toward completion. Your donation and sponsorship will help us complete the film editing and craft the film and story to completion. This includes several months of editing, additional final post-production costs such as graphics, music composition, sound mix and color correction. Your donation and sponsorships will help catapult getting Baptizing Feminism out into the world which includes: broadcasts, educational distribution and screenings with panel discussions globally. Small donations add up! Larger donations and sponsorships moves us closer to completion!

Individual Donations and Sponsorships

(These are suggested donations, you can donate any amount. For donations/sponsors of $500 or more, your name and/or church/organization logo will be featured on our website, and in outreach, distribution and social media campaigns promotions! If you want to send a check instead of credit card or ACH transfers, please email us in contact form so we can give you address and specifics.)